Memorandum Opinion & Order signed on 10/23/2024 Sustaining Debtor's Eighth Omnibus Objection to Claims in Part and Overruling in Part Without Prejudice (related document(s)1439).
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The Southern District of New York offers a database of opinions for the years 2005 to the present, listed by year and judge. For a more detailed search, enter the keyword or case number in the search box above.
Chief Judge Martin Glenn
Memorandum Opinion and Order, Signed on 10/15/2024, Sustaining Debtor's Third Omnibus Objection to the Simons Claim. (related document(s)908)
Memorandum Opinion and Order, signed on 10/10/2024, Overruling Without Prejudice the Reorganized Debtor's Objection to Mechanic's Lien Claims. (related document(s)285)
Judge Michael E. Wiles
Judge Sean H. Lane
Memorandum Of Decision Signed On 10/11/2024, Re: Motion For Summary Judgment Of Plaintiff American Express National Bank (related document(s)11)
Memorandum Of Decision Signed on 10/11/2024, Re: Motion For Summary Judgment Filed By David Acker And Karen Acker (related document(s)20)
Post-Trial Memorandum Of Decision Signed On 10/10/2024
Judge John P. Mastando III
Memorandum Opinion and Order signed on 10/11/2024 On Jared Chassen And Arch Real Estate Holdings LLC's Joint Motion To Dismiss The Chapter 11 Case For The Debtor's Failure To Comply With Its Obligations. (related document(s)170)