Memorandum Opinion And Order signed on 12/20/2024 On Motion of Parker Hart Limited Partnership and Vito Fasciglione Holdings 24 Inc. for Abstention, or, in the Alternative, to Intervene in the Adversary Proceeding. (related document(s)7)
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The Southern District of New York offers a database of opinions for the years 2005 to the present, listed by year and judge. For a more detailed search, enter the keyword or case number in the search box above.
Judge John P. Mastando III
Judge Michael E. Wiles
Decision signed on 12/16/2024 on defendants' motion to dismiss (related document(s)56).
Judge James L. Garrity, Jr.
Memorandum Decision signed on 12/13/2024 Sustaining Plan Administrators First Omnibus Objection to Certain (I) Amended and Superseded Claims, (II) Late Filed Claims, and (III) Equity Interests (Non-Substantive). (related document(s)4688)
Memorandum Decision and Order signed on 12/12/2024 Sustaining The Consumer Claims Trustee's Thirty-Ninth Omnibus Objection to Proofs of Claim (Insufficient Legal Basis Unsecured Consumer Creditor Claims) with respect to the Proof of Claim filed by Jacqueline Skorcz. (related document(s)3094)
Memorandum Decision signed on 12/13/2024 Sustaining Plan Administrators Third Omnibus Objection to Certain (I) Satisfied Claims, (II) Modified Priority Claims, (III) Modified Amount Claims; and (IV) Modified Priority and Amount Claims (Substantive). (related document(s)4690)
Memorandum Decision signed on 12/13/2024 Sustaining Plan Administrators Second Omnibus Objection to Certain (I) Substantive Duplicate Claims, (II) Cross Debtor Duplicate Claims, and (III) No Liability Claims (Substantive). (related document(s)4689)
Memorandum Decision and Order signed on 12/5/2024 Sustaining The Plan Administrator's Twenty-Eighth Omnibus Objection to Proofs of Claim (No Basis Consumer Creditor Admin Claims) with Respect to the Proof of Claim filed by Gregory Bush. (related document(s)1760)
Judge David S. Jones
Memorandum Decision Signed on 12/13/2024 Granting Plaintiff's Motion for Summary Judgment. (related document(s)20)
Chief Judge Martin Glenn
Memorandum Opinion and Order, Signed on 12/12/2024, Denying Motion to Transfer Venue. (related document(s)14)
Judge Sean H. Lane
BENCH RULING: Modified Bench Ruling Granting The Debtors' Motion To (I) Extend The Mediation And (II) Extend The Preliminary Injunction And Associated Deadlines Including Tolling (related document(s)6926)