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The Southern District of New York offers a database of opinions for the years 2005 to the present, listed by year and judge. For a more detailed search, enter the keyword or case number in the search box above.
Chief Judge Martin Glenn
Memorandum Opinion and order, Signed on 11/12/2024, Overruling Objection to Claim No. 5 Without Prejudice. (related document(s)37)
Memorandum Opinion and Order, Signed on 11/12/2024, Denying the Application of Pro se Creditor Laura Faller McNeil for Allowance of Claim for Substantial Contribution. (related document(s)7755)
Memorandum Opinion and Order, Signed on 11/12/2024, Approving in Part and Denying in Part the Final Fee Application of the Sarachek Law Firm. (related document(s)7754)
Memorandum Opinion and Order, Signed on 11/8/2024, RE: Debtor's Ninth Omnibus Objection to Certain Proofs of Claims. (related document(s)1518)
Memorandum Opinion, signed on 11/7/2024, Authorizing the Foreign Representatives to Enter into Settlement Agreement Pursuant to Bankr. R. 9019 (A) and (II) Entrusting Assets to the Foreign Representatives for Distribution in the Cayman Islands Proceedings. (related document(s)25)
Judge James L. Garrity, Jr.
Memorandum Decision signed on 11/14/2024 Granting Motion for Entry of an Order (I) Closing Certain Chapter 11 Cases; (II) Granting Final Decrees in Certain Closed Chapter 11 Cases; (III) Amending Caption of Remaining Cases; and (IV) Granting Related Relief. (related document(s)4686)
Memorandum Decision signed on 11/13/2024 Granting The Chapter 7 Trustee's Motion Pursuant To Fed. R. Bankr. P. 9019(a) And Section 105 Of The Bankruptcy Code For Approval Of Settlement Agreement. (related document(s)36)
Judge John P. Mastando III
Memorandum Opinion And Order signed on 11/13/2024 Denying Defendant's Motion To Dismiss. (related document(s)829)