Memorandum and Decision Sanctioning Rushmore Loan Management Services For Failure To Act In Good Fain In Accordance With This Court's Loss Mitigation Program Procedures signed on 4/20/2015.
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Judge Morris Opinions
In Re: 14-36831-cgm John Merrick Egan and Eileen D Egan
Memorandum Decision Denying Motion To Allow Late Filed Claim signed on 3/2/2015.
In Re: 14-35443-cgm Rodney Wayne Weidenbenner and Michele Ann Weidenbenner
Memorandum Decision Finding Stay Violation and Awarding Damages signed on 12/12/2014.
In Re: 12-35804-cgm Stanley E. Gorski
Memorandum decision disgorging professional fees signed on 11/5/2014.
In Re: 14-09022-cgm Lawski v. Frontier Insurance Group, LLC et al
Memorandum Decision Denying Motion to Dismiss signed on 10/9/2014. (related document(s)6)