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eCourt Appearances

Attorneys and self-represented individuals are required to sign up to appear at court hearings with the Court's eCourt Appearances tool. Case participants must confirm their appearance using the eCourt Appearances tool prior to the scheduled hearing date pursuant to the time designated on the Judge’s Chambers Rules. If you require assistance, please contact the presiding Judge's Chambers or Court Services at (212) 284-4040.

The eCourt Appearances tool is used for in-person and Zoom appearances only.

CourtSolutions: If you are appearing telephonically through CourtSolutions, do not use the eCourt Appearances tool. Please only register with CourtSolutions at If you are appearing for a hybrid Court Solutions/in-person hearing, only register your appearance with eCourt Appearances if you are planning to appear in person.

Important: All persons are strictly prohibited from making any recording of court proceedings, whether by video, audio, "screenshot," or otherwise. Violation of this prohibition may result in the imposition of monetary and non-monetary sanctions. The Clerk of the Court maintains an audio recording of all proceedings, which constitutes the official record.

Click the eCourt Appearances link to get started.