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Judge Garrity Opinions

In Re: 19-10412-jlg Ditech Holding Corporation 2023-09-29

Memorandum Decision and Order signed on 9/29/2023 Sustaining The Plan Administrator's and Consumer Claims Trustee's Sixty-Third Omnibus Objection to Proofs of Claim (No Basis Consumer Creditor Claims) with respect to the Proof of Claim filed by Robert Ewing and Carla Ewing. (related document(s)2840)

In Re: 19-10412-jlg Ditech Holding Corporation 2023-09-29

Memorandum Decision and Order signed on 9/29/2023 Denying Claimant's Motion Pursuant to Rule 24 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. (related document(s)4859)

In Re: 18-10617-jlg Michael Rodger Brown 2023-09-15

Memorandum Decision and Order signed on 9/15/2023 Sustaining Chapter 7 Trustee's Objection to Claim of Howard Brown. (related document(s)181)

In Re: 23-01102-jlg Deborah J. Piazza, as Chapter 7 Trustee of Row NYC v. CityRow Holdings, LLC et al 2023-09-14

Memorandum Decision Resolving Defendants' Motion to Dismiss signed on 9/13/2023. (related document(s)5)

In Re: 20-12192-jlg Culligan Ltd. and Michael Morrison 2023-09-12

Memorandum Decision and Order signed on 9/12/2023 Re: Motion for Relief from Stay. (related document(s)65)
