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Judge Garrity Opinions

In Re: 19-10412-jlg Ditech Holding Corporation 2024-07-26

Memorandum Decision and Order signed on 7/26/2024 Sustaining The Consumer Claims Trustee's Forty-Ninth Omnibus Objection with Respect to Proofs of Claim filed by Leo and Sharon Wrobel. (related document(s)3736)

In Re: 20-01208-jlg Tese-Milner v. Capstone Credit, LLC et al 2024-07-11

Memorandum Decision signed on 7/11/2024 on Plaintiff's and Defendants' Motions for Partial Summary Judgment. (related document(s)84, 80)

In Re: 24-10834-jlg Cazell Benton 2024-07-02

Memorandum Decision Resolving Objection signed on 7/2/2024. (related document(s)15)

In Re: 19-10412-jlg Ditech Holding Corporation 2024-06-28

Memorandum Decision and Order signed on 6/28/2024 Sustaining The Consumer Claims Trustee's Thirtieth Omnibus Objection to Proofs of Claim (Insufficient Documentation Unsecured Consumer Creditor Claims) with respect to the Proof of Claim of Doris Sauls. (related document(s)2836)

In Re: 19-10412-jlg Ditech Holding Corporation 2024-06-28

Memorandum Decision and Order signed on 6/28/2024 Sustaining The Seventy-Second Omnibus Objection to Proofs of Claim (No Basis Consumer Creditor Claims) with respect to the Proof of Claim filed by Avis L. Cole. (related document(s)3280)
