Those filing with the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York should be aware of the following changes:
1. Changes to Credit Card Processing on CM/ECF: Filers may experience some minor differences when paying by credit card on CM/ECF. For more information, please see the notice posted on the Court’s website, [at the bottom of the first screen, click on the box, “ECF and Pacer Information,” and, toward the bottom of the next screen under the heading “Information on Specific Topics,” click on Internet Credit Card Instructions].
2. Summons in an Adversary Proceeding: In adversary proceedings, the Clerk’s Office now uses CM/ECF to create a form-generated summons to be placed on the docket. Thus, filers no longer have to submit information via e-mail to the Clerk’s Office to have a summons issued in an adversary proceeding. [However, for the Clerk’s Office to issue a summons in an involuntary case or section 304 ancillary proceeding, the filer must still submit to the Clerk’s Office a prepared summons via e-mail to] For more information on the issuance of a summons in an adversary proceeding, please see the notice posted on the Court’s website,
3. Changing an Individual Debtor’s Social Security Number: An individual debtor seeking to correct his or her social security number must follow the instructions posted on the Court’s website, [click on the General Information box toward the bottom of the first screen and, under the heading “PROCEDURE” at the top of the next screen, click on Instructions for Amending an Individual Debtor's Social Security Number.]