Release Date:
December 1, 2010
The following Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure ("FRBP") have been amended as of December 1, 2010: FRBP 1007, 1014, 1015, 1018, 1019, 4001, 4004, 5009, 7001 and 9001. Also becoming effective on that date is a new rule: FRBP 5012.The following national forms have been amended as of December 1, 2010:
- Official Forms B9A, B9C and B9I;
- Official Forms B20A and B20B;
- Official Forms B22A, B22B and B22C;
- Official Form B23; and
- Director’s Procedural Form B200.
The text of the amended rules can be found on the Judiciary's Federal Rulemaking website at: