The following Federal Bankruptcy Rules are amended as of December 1, 2017:
FRBP 1001, 1006(b)(1), 1015(b), 2002(a) and (b), 3002 (a) and (c), 3007(a), 3012(a)-(c), 3015(a)-(h), new Rule 3015.1, 4003(d), 5009(a) and (d), 7001(2), and 9009(a)-(c).
The following Official Forms were amended as of December 1, 2017:
Form 101 – Voluntary Petition for Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy: amended to more accurately reflect the requirement that debtors with an eviction judgment against them must file Official Form 101A.
Form 309 F amended at lines 8 and 11. Forms 309 G, H, and I were amended to remove references to "plan summaries" which has been deleted from amended Rule 3015(d).
With the exception of the new Local Chapter 13 Plan Form changes and the 3002(c) Proof of Claim filing deadline changes from 90 days to 70 days after the order for relief, no further court processes are significantly changed in response to the rule changes.
For additional information regarding rules and forms changes click here. Also, please see Current Federal Rules of Practice & Procedure for redline versions of amended rules.