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Changes to Chief Judge Morris' Chambers Rules

Release Date: 
February 20, 2018

Be advised that Chief Judge Cecelia G. Morris’ Chambers’ Rules have been modified. The Telephonic Appearance section has been modified to include the following:

  • Telephonic appearances at court hearings are permitted in certain circumstances. Parties may appear telephonically to listen to the proceedings or to make limited argument ONLY. Lengthy argument is NOT allowed. Counsel and pro se parties are not permitted to participate telephonically for any hearings of an evidentiary nature, including the examination of witnesses or the submission of evidence. 
  • Beginning February 26, 2018, parties who wish to “listen only” to a hearing telephonically may do so without requesting permission from Chambers by registering with CourtSolutions at
  • Parties who wish to participate in a hearing telephonically on a "live" line must first obtain consent from all necessary parties then submit a dial-in request with CourtSolutions at If the Court approves such request, the party will receive an email from CourtSolutions with approval and dial-in information. Parties do not need to contact Chambers directly. The party MUST set up the telephonic appearance at least 24 HOURS BEFORE the hearing is scheduled. Each time the party speaks, he or she must identify himself or herself for the record. If an individual schedules a telephonic appearance and then fails to respond to the calendar call, the court may pass the matter or may treat the failure to respond as a failure to appear. Individuals who appear telephonically are cautioned that they do so at their own risk.
  • Under no circumstances may any participant record or broadcast the proceedings conducted in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York.

Click on link below to see Chief Judge Morris’ Chambers' Rules page.