Electronic filers with limited access to the ECF system will only be able file the following types of documents:
Acknowledgment of transfer FRBP 3001(e)1
Affidavit of Service
Certificate of Mailing of Claims Agent
Claims Register (Final)
Master Service List (For Claims Agent Use)
Monthly Fee Statement
Notice of Contract Change (Model Chapter 13 Plan)
Notice of Mortgage Payment Change (Rule 3002.1)
Notice of Outstanding Obligations (Model Chapter 13 Plan)
Notice of Postpetition Mortgage Fees, Expenses, and Charges (Rule 3002.1)
Notice, Certification of Publication
Notice, Name Change of Claims and Noticing Agent
Notice, to Transferor
Proof of claim (with related exhibits)
Response to Notice of Final Cure Payment (Rule 3002.1)
Transfer Agreement FRBP 3001(e) (Claims Agent Cases Only)
Transfer Agreement FRBP 3001(e) (Non Claims Agent Cases)
Withdrawal of Claim
Withdrawal of Notice of Mortgage Payment Change
Withdrawal of Notice of Postpetition Mortgage Fees, Expenses, and Changes